


Tag Archive: Abortion

Competing interestsCompeting Interests

On Thursday I read an editorial against the Mississippi law that doesn’t allow doctors to kill babies after 15 weeks of pregnancy. I am sure you have heard that the Supreme Court is hearing a case brought to them on the constitutionality of this law.

This case has great potential to be the death of Roe vs. Wade in the United States and perhaps will turn the regulation of baby killing back to the states.
We need to pray that the Lord intervenes for these precious little children in this regard. View full article »

Might Makes Right

lifeMight Makes Right

Might makes right or right makes right?
Maybe another way of asking this question would be: Who’s right (as in moral right or wrong) makes a right (as in a freedom recognized by our country)?

What caused me to think about this question were two things. First, the Truth Project. In it Dell Tackett has had us wrestling with ultimate questions of ethics, morality and their relationship to civil law. Secondly, an editorial I read about the new law in Texas that bans abortion after a heartbeat. View full article »

Doctrines of Demons

Demon Doctrines

“Now the Spirit expressly says that in the latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons.” I Timothy 4:1

Although much evil in the world is the result of the total depravity of man; nevertheless there is much evil in the world that is the direct result of the kingdom of darkness. View full article »