Demon Doctrines

“Now the Spirit expressly says that in the latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons.” I Timothy 4:1

Although much evil in the world is the result of the total depravity of man; nevertheless there is much evil in the world that is the direct result of the kingdom of darkness. Believers should not live in fear of the Prince of the power of the air and his minions, but neither should we discount the reality of their efforts.

Paul gives specific warning to the church that in these latter days Demonic doctrines would run rampant in the church and seduce the church to deviate from the faith.

This past week the Laramie paper ran an article against the Wyoming Pastor’s Network that reveals how distorted and deceptive these Demonic deceptions can be.
Going after the network for its vocal work to curtail abortion they said:
Not to be outdone in energizing the hate, the Wyoming Pastor’s Network says, “Hold my Beer”.
Now one would think that this group would be working on things that Jesus spoke about, helping the poor, the disenfranchised and the oppressed but instead they double down on a topic of which Jesus never cared to mention, in spite of its prevalence in his day, Abortion. .. America is now a place with rising inequality, impending climate disasters, immigration caused by American policies and many of these issues religion plays a large exacerbating role … If the Wyoming Pastors and their followers chose to fight for the issues Jesus held dear instead of attempting to bring the United States a theocracy we could focus on the terrible causes that lead to abortion instead of the desperate act itself.
Abortion is a symptom of America’s ills and apparently those are things the Wyoming Pastor’s Network has little interest in solving. Jesus the Son of God was not crucified for abortion but for fighting for the disenfranchised, while the Wyoming Pastors fight an ill they help create just to get paid and for power. In the immortal words of their dear leader – SAD.

I’ll let it speak for itself- sad!
Because of grace,

Listen to the related message below.

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