Might Makes Right
Might makes right or right makes right?
Maybe another way of asking this question would be: Who’s right (as in moral right or wrong) makes a right (as in a freedom recognized by our country)?
What caused me to think about this question were two things. First, the Truth Project. In it Dell Tackett has had us wrestling with ultimate questions of ethics, morality and their relationship to civil law. Secondly, an editorial I read about the new law in Texas that bans abortion after a heartbeat.
In a Washington Post editorial, David Von Drehle argues that the Texas law is a classic case of Might makes Right politics. He argues that the mighty Christian conservatives in Texas are leveling their big guns at the weak and disenfranchised women of Texas who are being bludgeoned into submission and having to carry their babies full term and deliver them alive rather than having the right to terminate those inconvenient little ones while still in the womb.
I’m sorry, unless I missed the memo, I think his argument is ludicrous at best and intentionally deceptive at worst.
Who is the one person in this picture that is in reality defenseless unless we as a society come to his/her defense? I’d say the unborn child.
Not that women who have made some poor choices in the men they run with don’t need extra support from us as a people. Not that the men who fathered these children don’t need to be spanked for not taking seriously the procreative realities of the birds and the bees.
Society, and specifically the church has failed miserably at training young people in sexual morality and ethics. We say “if it feels good do it” and then we wonder why we have such a sick society on our hands. We do need to step up and help these that we have lied to as a people.
However, we must be unswerving in our commitment to those who are truly without defense- the unborn. Let us be a people that unrelentingly stands up for the unborn child.
They have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Because of grace,