Competing interestsCompeting Interests

On Thursday I read an editorial against the Mississippi law that doesn’t allow doctors to kill babies after 15 weeks of pregnancy. I am sure you have heard that the Supreme Court is hearing a case brought to them on the constitutionality of this law.

This case has great potential to be the death of Roe vs. Wade in the United States and perhaps will turn the regulation of baby killing back to the states.
We need to pray that the Lord intervenes for these precious little children in this regard.

But I digress. In his editorial against the law, David Von Drehle opened with the following illustration:

“The leading cause of death for children in the US is motor vehicle accidents. A study by SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research in the Netherlands determined that virtually all car related fatalities occur at speeds above about 25 mph. In other words, the leading cause of death in children could be eliminated overnight by requiring a simple device on every automobile to cap its speed at 25 mph. of course, that’s never going to happen. I mention it only illustrate a chilly fact about coexisting in human society. Even in matters of life and death, society weighs protection of life with other competing interests.”

Wow! Alarming reasoning at the least! Consider, he does not argue the life of the child or even its viability. He merely argues: “competing interests in society.” He then goes on to talk about the inconvenience that a child can be to a young single mother who want a career or how an unplanned pregnancy can sideline the hopes of the expectant mother.

Yes, in life we always take calculated risk in the way we operate our daily existence. But to equate that capacity with societies need to allow for baby killing is ludicrous. I don’t understand how he can’t see he is talking apples and oranges? In what other case do we allow members of society to actively kill another human being when their interests compete?

Maybe if someone takes too much water out of the ditch upstream of my hay field and is in competition of my interests to a good crop of hay, I would have sufficient cause to terminate his earthly existence?
I think this is rubbish!
If our society or any other goes down this path it’s not long until genocide is the end result.
In his world might make right, but in God’s world every human life matters and is worth the precious blood of Christ.

Because of grace,

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