


Tag Archive: freedom

Freedom of Religion


During these times of accusation, turmoil and uncertainty; I thought it good to remind us all of some civics.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Amendment I, the U.S. Constitution

It has been often noted that the first right expressed in our Bill of rights is the freedom of Religion. View full article »

Victory Over Sin

Victory Over Sin

The truth we have before us is not negotiable and nonessential- it is the clear purpose for which Christ died- to make us righteous, not only by declaration (justification) but also in reality (sanctification).
It is not like justification is the basic Amazon package and sanctification is Amazon prime- both will do but one’s just a little bit more expensive and only for the select few. No, this truth is for all God’s children! View full article »

LibertyWith Liberty and Justice for All

The American dream is built upon the equality of all men. In many places and in many ways, our founding documents and founding fathers espoused this doctrine. Although America has always had its blemishes and sin’s; nevertheless its constant aspiration has been to lift up the down trodden and to care for the needy. Regardless of race or creed. These are some of the things that make America Great.

Where did this belief in equality come from? It didn’t suddenly arise from a vacuum and View full article »