
During these times of accusation, turmoil and uncertainty; I thought it good to remind us all of some civics.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Amendment I, the U.S. Constitution

It has been often noted that the first right expressed in our Bill of rights is the freedom of Religion.
This freedom is foundational to all the rest and on it hangs the strength of our Republic. Without it we would quickly degrade into a swamp of competing interests and radical individualism- a place we are quickly going as this freedom is under relentless attack.

Following on this right is the right of all citizens to freely speak their minds, the press to function without fear and the people to assemble and even seek a redress for wrongs suffered at the hands of government. Interestingly, our founders wisely followed this amendment with the second amendment to give the people the means to enforce it.

During recent years the American people have become increasingly cynical of a press that seems to merely parrot and promote the progressive agenda of elitist leftists who seek to remake our Republic.
After taking over the French republic, Napoleon quipped: “Controlled by the government, a free press becomes a strong ally.” In this oxymoronic statement Napoleon links a “free press” with government control- a statement that almost mirrors exactly where we find ourselves today in America.

So, where does this leave us? It leaves us at a time where the church needs to find its voice again and speak boldly and powerfully.
We stand on the precipice of events that could quickly spiral into the coercive restriction upon almost every one of the rights that were recognized by our founders in the Bill of Rights.

Free speech is being undermined by public shaming of those who do not parrot the partly line. Freedom of assembly is undermined by heavy handed restrictions enacted for our own good in times of crisis.
Those who speak with a different voice are quickly eliminated from social media platforms, and Christian groups that stay committed to Biblical morality are the objects of scorn and derision.

Screw down your hat- this one might buck. It might be more than an 8 second ride.
Because of grace,

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