With Liberty and Justice for All
The American dream is built upon the equality of all men. In many places and in many ways, our founding documents and founding fathers espoused this doctrine. Although America has always had its blemishes and sin’s; nevertheless its constant aspiration has been to lift up the down trodden and to care for the needy. Regardless of race or creed. These are some of the things that make America Great.
Where did this belief in equality come from? It didn’t suddenly arise from a vacuum and it sure did not rise from the enlightened thinking of European rationalism. It came from the Bible and from Christianity.
The purpose for which Puritan Pilgrims came to these shores seeking freedom was to advance the Kingdom of Christ. This was clearly stated in the Mayflower Compact as well as other early documents. In 1643, some 30 years after the Mayflower and founding of Plymouth; the 4 existing colonies banded together in a loose Confederation pledging to each other mutual support and defense. In the Articles of Confederation which they drew up they begin with these words:
“Whereas we all came into these parts of America with one and the same end and aim, namely to advance the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and to enjoy the liberties of the gospel in purity and peace…”
It is clear from these statements that these simple believers were coming to these shores for one purpose- to Advance Christ’s Kingdom. As we look back at these past 400 years and compare our world with theirs- it is clear that the Lord has blessed the fruits of their efforts. Yes, the kingdom of darkness has not been idle. Yes, the Devil and his fiends have been active sowing tares among the wheat. And yes, many times even Christ’s church has failed to be the salt and light of the world that we desire to be. But O how vastly different things are in this world because of Pilgrim faith to plant seeds of freedom. The Kingdom has advanced.
There are souls yet to reach, there are elect yet to come into the fold, but Advance it has. May it be so in years yet to come.
Because of grace,