


Archive for January, 2013


A basically good person

If after committing a horrible crime, you stood before a judge, and rather than protesting your innocence you simply appealed to the fact that you were basically a good person as a reason for him to acquit you; do you think your logic would lead to you’re being justified? View full article »

david letterman

Does being good really matter?

Three years ago David Letterman was embroiled in scandal surrounding his late night television show. Numerous affairs with staff of his “Late Show” led to revelations  of improprieties and then briberies to seek to cover it all up. View full article »


Fundamental rights

Is owning a firearm for personal self defense compatible with Christian belief?

Probably everyone of us would recognize the right of Christians to use a firearm to provide food for our families.  View full article »

The Shack

the-shackMolehills out of mountains

This popular book, The Shack, is going round and round as a must-read Christian book block buster but is it something Christians should be reading and promoting to others?

Wait… your not going to make another mountain out of a molehill are you!? After all, we have some View full article »

Should the Rich Pay More!?

 Paying your fair shareimages

Is it morally responsible and Biblically faithful to expect the rich to pay more than the poor? With all the debate over “going over the fiscal cliff”, deficits, entitlements and debt ceilings, it has become increasingly in vogue to beat up on the rich and make them the brunt of national scorn. View full article »


One more chance

I had a chance today to sit down with a cup of coffee and read from the bible this morning before leaving, but instead I watched 15 minutes of news that I can’t trust on the television.

I had a chance today to let the most important people in the world know how much I love them, but instead I rushed off after reminding one to take out the trash and rebuking another for getting up late.

I had a chance today to View full article »

happy new year

Blessed are the happy?

So have you made your new years resolution yet?  Let me just ask you, what is the one thing that you can do this year that will make you truly happy?  Do you have it?  Have you ever thought about what really makes you happy?  We often think that changing our current circumstances is what will make us happy.  If only I can loose 10 pounds…  If I can only save more money….  If I can get this or that, then I will be truly happy.  The problem is happiness never seems to come.  View full article »