david letterman

Does being good really matter?

Three years ago David Letterman was embroiled in scandal surrounding his late night television show. Numerous affairs with staff of his “Late Show” led to revelations  of improprieties and then briberies to seek to cover it all up.Today, Letterman, trying to be the person he always thought he was, makes weekly visits to a psychiatrist. A few weeks ago he had an interesting interview with Oprah Winfrey. In that interview he said the following things:

“For a long time I thought I was a decent guy. But yet, thinking I was a decent guy, I was still capable of behavior that wasn’t coincidental to leading a decent life. That’s what I’m working on. I want to really be the person I believe that I was. I wanna be a good person.”

That led me to some interesting thoughts. What does it mean to be good? Does being good really matter if all we are is “swamp mud” or “star stuff” that evolved into man? If we just die and go back into matter, if there is no God to whom we will give account, then what’s the point? Maybe it’s just a dog eat dog world after all and survival of the fittest is in the end the only way to really live. Maybe being good is just a way to manipulate circumstances so I can get what I want.

But, if on the other hand, there really is a God. If He truly knows every thought I think, if he truly is not only perfect love but also perfectly just. If He holds me accountable for even every idle word that I may speak. If he not only judges my works but even my motives; then how good is good enough?

In Romans 3 we are told “there is none that is good, no not one.” In the gospels Jesus makes the statement that “No one is good except God.” Once again we are told in Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory (perfection) of God.”

If I really honestly examine myself, I am forced to admit that although I may do good things, nevertheless, like David Letterman, I find that I have done many things that are wrong. And since the all knowing, never forgetful God is my future judge, I wonder….How good will be good enough. More next time…

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