happy new year

Blessed are the happy?

So have you made your new years resolution yet?  Let me just ask you, what is the one thing that you can do this year that will make you truly happy?  Do you have it?  Have you ever thought about what really makes you happy?  We often think that changing our current circumstances is what will make us happy.  If only I can loose 10 pounds…  If I can only save more money….  If I can get this or that, then I will be truly happy.  The problem is happiness never seems to come.  I mean even if you do get what you want are you truly happy?  We chase happiness all our lives only to realize that we can never fully grasp it.  Happiness always seems to elude us.  The reality is happiness is not meant to be something we can attain on our own; it is a byproduct of our living.  In the Sermon on the Mount (Jesus longest recorded sermon), Jesus talks about happiness and how to attain it.  At the core of his message he gives eight core traits or values by which we should ascribe to.  These traits are called the Beatitudes and they are found in Matthew 5:3-11.  What is interesting is that each of these eight traits is accompanied with the phrase “Blessed are…”  The Greek word translated “blessed” is the word makarios.  It does not mean receiving a gift or getting anything but simply means happy or receiving a happy condition.  Jesus was saying here “Oh how happy are those who are poor in spirit…of those who mourn…of the gentle…of those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…the merciful…the pure in heart…the peacemakers…those persecuted for the sake of righteousness.”  Let me just ask you, do these eight traits describe you.  If they do you will be happy.  If they don’t then you will never find happiness until you live out these principles.

All eight traits are vital to you being happy.  This isn’t a dollar menu where you can pick and chose which ones you like and which ones you don’t, this is a package deal.  All of these eight points are essential to being a Christian with a kingdom perspective.  This is not an easy assignment like loosing 10 pounds that is easy compared to this.  What Jesus is calling us to here is a total attitude transformation.  If we transform our minds and lives to living out the will of God the way we were created happiness will not be something we chase after it will catch us right were we are.  The payout for this New Year’s resolution is huge.  Give it a try and see if happiness finds you.

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