
One more chance

I had a chance today to sit down with a cup of coffee and read from the bible this morning before leaving, but instead I watched 15 minutes of news that I can’t trust on the television.

I had a chance today to let the most important people in the world know how much I love them, but instead I rushed off after reminding one to take out the trash and rebuking another for getting up late.

I had a chance today to slow down and let that car pull on to the road ahead of me, but instead I pretended to reach for the radio and not see him.

I had a chance today to take the extra time necessary to really listen to someone who needed a shoulder, but instead I gossiped about that person with my friends.

I had a chance today to offer my assistance to someone struggling with a problem, but instead I made certain I would have enough spare time to watch my favorite TV show after dinner.

I had a chance today to pray for others, but instead I prayed for myself.

I had a chance today to give instead of take, to heal instead of wound, to build up instead of tear down, to help instead of hinder and to bless instead of curse.

I had more chances today than I can count to share the love and provisions of the one who gave his life’s blood for me, but instead I horded his gift of resources, abilities, wisdom and time that I might spend it on myself and my own pleasure.

How patient and gracious is our God to us. He gives us second chances every… single… day of our lives.

Never had a chance? I don’t think so…

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