


Tag Archive: catholicism

The Obligation

An obligationThe Obligation

“I am under obligation both to Greek and to Barbarian” Romans 1:14
When we hear the word “barbarian” we immediately think of someone who is crude, rude and probably violent. When the ancients used the word barbarian it did not immediately have that connotation.
It is true that by the time of the fall of the Roman Empire there was extreme violence by the barbarian hordes, however, View full article »

Infant Baptism

Infant BaptismInfant Baptism

“Going into all the nations, make disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…” Matthew 28:19

Today we have a baby dedication and a baptism. Some may ask: “why does EBC dedicate babies and not baptize them?” I’m glad you asked- here’s the short answer. View full article »