Infant BaptismInfant Baptism

“Going into all the nations, make disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…” Matthew 28:19

Today we have a baby dedication and a baptism. Some may ask: “why does EBC dedicate babies and not baptize them?” I’m glad you asked- here’s the short answer.

It is clear from the Commission that Christ gave His disciples shortly before His ascension back to the Father, that baptism is a pivotal part of how the church “makes disciples.” Christ pronounces the formula under which His followers are to be baptized: “the Name” (singular) of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (plural persons).
This of course reveals the Trinitarian nature of the Godhead. However, it does more than that. It also teaches us that each member of the Trinity is active in our salvation.

The Father elects and instituted the plan, the Son condescends and dies for sin and sinners, and the Holy Spirit convicts and applies the redemption Christ provided.
Having said this we still haven’t addressed the who. Christ makes this clear as well: disciples are to be baptized.

A person is not made a disciple by baptizing them- no, a person becomes a disciple by personal faith and then is baptized as testimony to that fact.
To baptize someone who is not a disciple (a believer) is to get the cart before the horse. This is why all through the book of Acts as the Apostles carried out this commission the pattern consistently held true. “Those who received the word were baptized” (Acts 2:41).

Christ was preached crucified, The Holy Spirit worked conviction of sin and faith in Christ, the person was baptized. Read the book of Acts- this is the pattern and it consistently was practiced.
So EBC baptizes believers. End of story.

Because of grace,

Listen to the related message below.

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