
“Stop being conformed to the world and be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”
Romans 12:2
We are living in a culture that demands our conformity. Just try not to, and you will quickly find out what it feels like to be canceled.
Shame and embarrassment are some of its most potent weapons. Satan’s powerful messaging keeps people toeing the line and stepping in line. Vaccine mandates are not the biggest thing a believer should fear (although it is a ferocious invasion of personal liberty); we should fear subtle mandates that Satan promotes without us even noticing.

So what is the “world”? In our study today we will analyze some of the various ways this word is used in the New Testament. In this passage the word is used to speak of the basic, elementary principles upon which the system of the world operates. These ungodly principles find their foundation in Satan, whom Scripture says is the “god of this world.” They are portrayed in all the entertainment, media and messaging of each culture.

Consumerism and materialism are essentially perversions of God’s design and are worldly. These things form the distinctive values upon which the life of each unbeliever rests. There’s probably no better way to sum up these values than in the word “self.” Human pride that opposes the glory of God is the core sin of human existence. Whether in popular movies or media- most of the messaging that comes out of the culture has nothing to do with promoting God- and everything to do with pleasing self.

Just consider one example- economics. Although the Bible stands squarely behind the basic principles of the free market system and the liberties associated with free enterprise; nevertheless the human heart is perverse enough that it will run amok if not filled with God’s Spirit. Rather than “making money for the glory of God and His Kingdom” it is easy to degenerate into a selfish pursuit for power and pleasure.

All the fun and enjoyment that money can buy easily becomes the highest aim of life instead of fulfilling the cultural mandate of Scripture to “fill creation and use it for the glory of God.” We become selfish pleasure seekers rather than God seeking creation stewards. This always leads to harm and destruction and is nothing less than sheer worldliness.

So, what values of the world are governing your life? Be transformed by renewing your mind in the Word of God.

Because of Grace,

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