Christ in the Passover

“For Indeed, Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us.”
I Cor. 5:7b

The Old Testament Feast of Passover commemorated Jehovah God’s deliverance of His people from the oppression of Egyptian slavery. For the Jewish people, the month that Passover falls in is the beginning of the year.  On the fourteenth day of the month, the head of the each household slit the throat of a lamb without blemish and spot and applied the blood which he had captured in a basin to the two doorposts and lintel of the entry of his home. The lambs were all killed simultaneously at twilight and then the entire lamb was eaten that night having been roasted by fire.

The Promise from the Lord was that “The blood would be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you.” At the same time, the Destroyer would pass through the land of Egypt and all the firstborn males of the Egyptians or for that matter- of anyone who did not have the blood applied to their doors would die.

The Old Testament feast of Passover was a type that pointed forward in time to the work of Jesus the Messiah. Christ, the anointed one- the Lamb of God without blemish or spot- took our place and died for our sin. His blood was shed that the Destroyer would not come near unto us. Christ is our Passover!!

Next week we have a wonderful opportunity to have a spokesman for Chosen People Ministries who will explain all the types and pictures in the Old Testament feast and how they are fulfilled in Christ. We will eat a Jewish Passover meal together as we Remember the One who died that we might live- Don’t miss it!

Because of grace,

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