


Archive for September, 2021



“Stop being conformed to the world and be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”
Romans 12:2
We are living in a culture that demands our conformity. Just try not to, and you will quickly find out what it feels like to be canceled.
Shame and embarrassment are some of its most potent weapons. Satan’s powerful messaging keeps people toeing the line and stepping in line. Vaccine mandates are not the biggest thing a believer should fear (although it is a ferocious invasion of personal liberty); we should fear subtle mandates that Satan promotes without us even noticing. View full article »

Might Makes Right

lifeMight Makes Right

Might makes right or right makes right?
Maybe another way of asking this question would be: Who’s right (as in moral right or wrong) makes a right (as in a freedom recognized by our country)?

What caused me to think about this question were two things. First, the Truth Project. In it Dell Tackett has had us wrestling with ultimate questions of ethics, morality and their relationship to civil law. Secondly, an editorial I read about the new law in Texas that bans abortion after a heartbeat. View full article »

Today’s Taliban

PrayThe Taliban

In the 20 years since the war in Afghanistan began our collective memory about the Taliban has been slowly erased with the fog of time.
As I thought and reminisced, I was reminded that I was only 35 when these events began to unfold. In the intervening years, many men and women have died and many have had their lives upended by the surging tide of war.
To be sure radical Islam was wounded in the endeavor but make no mistake it has a long memory and a short fuse.
The Taliban of today is no more our friend than Tom was a friend to Jerry. View full article »