


Archive for July, 2020

On The Lord’s Day

The Lord's DayOn The Lord’s Day

The first day of the week was hallowed for the Christian by the resurrection of Jesus. On Easter we celebrate the resurrection in a special way. However, we celebrate the triumph of the resurrection every Sunday when we gather as Christians to remember and proclaim His victory over death. The Sabbath (7th day) was set apart by God at creation as a day to remember what He had done in 6 days. After He worked, He rested. For the Christian, we remember before we go to work. We rest in Jesus’ finished work and that rest then translates into faithful service all through the week. View full article »

LibertyWith Liberty and Justice for All

The American dream is built upon the equality of all men. In many places and in many ways, our founding documents and founding fathers espoused this doctrine. Although America has always had its blemishes and sin’s; nevertheless its constant aspiration has been to lift up the down trodden and to care for the needy. Regardless of race or creed. These are some of the things that make America Great.

Where did this belief in equality come from? It didn’t suddenly arise from a vacuum and View full article »