To Seek and Save

“The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which is lost.”
Star Valley is a mesmerizingly beautiful place to live:
Cool nights and warm days, leaves turning to gold rustling in the breeze.
Small towns that feel safe and secure, a community that is in so many ways what America used to be.
Good schools, prayer before town counsel meetings, hospital with staff that really cares.

In fact, it’s so beautiful that sometimes we settle down in Zion and forget that we are in a war for men souls, people that are religious but lost.
That under the thin veneer of niceness is brokenness homes that are broken, lives that are shattered, pain that is palpable.

People turn to drugs, to alcohol, to money, sex and Satan’s lies. They pursue religion, psychology, or mental health just like in the big cities.

Will you join me in praying a simple prayer for our Valley:
“Lord, there are people in Star Valley that you are seeking, please lead us to them and them to us.”

Then lets put feet to our prayers and be doing the Son of man’s work: to seek and save that which is lost.
Because of grace,

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