That I may know Him
“That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformed to His death.”
Phil. 3:10
The pursuit of the believer is Jesus Christ. Not just to be like Christ, but to know Christ.
This knowledge does not consist chiefly in facts about Jesus, but rather it consists in an intimate sharing of His person through the work of the Spirit.
It was the Spirit of Holiness that raised Jesus from the dead and demonstrated through the resurrection the power of God. The resurrection demonstrated to the world that the power of death is broken and the way to God has been opened. The death of Jesus was a once for all sufficient atonement for our sin, the resurrection demonstrated that Jesus was who He claimed to be.
The road to knowing Him is a road of suffering and is trod by those of faith. We believe in One whom we’ve never seen, only read about and felt the stirrings of His presence deep within our hearts. We look for a new home- a better one, where lion and lamb repose together in the shade of the trees and the child plays with the cobra. A land free of death and curse.
May your pursuit in life be the One alone who is worthy of all our praise.
Because of grace,