Easter BreakfastOne Thing is Needful

Do you remember Jesus’ interaction with Mary and Martha?

Martha was upset at her sister because she wasn’t being helpful with all the preparations for a meal. Rather than agreeing with her diatribe of hurt feelings; Jesus simply said: One thing is needful, Mary has chosen the better thing, leave her alone.

So in order to make sitting at Jesus’ feet a bit easier this year at Easter we are going to keep it simple. With Easter coming at the tail end of spring break I am expecting that many will be rushing back into town at the last minute. Rather than adding to the stress to have to fill a busy a schedule and to fix more food than is already needed in your homes we will just ask you to contribute some pretty easy fixings.

So here is where we are going:
1. Friday evening we will celebrate Good Friday with some worship, reflections from the Scripture and an observation of the last supper in the Lord’s table as we remember our Savior’s love in dying for our sin.
2. Sunday morning we won’t have an early service:
*We will have breakfast at 9:00. We will also have an egg hunt with the kids around 9:30

*At 10:30 we will have our worship service and celebrate the Lord’s victory over the grave.

Here’s what we need you bring:
Greek Yogurt (individual cups)
(Fruit, nuts, etc.)
We will supply the rest

*Questions or want to help, ask Amie Moyer

Let’s keep it simple and sit at Jesus’ feet!

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