Refuge GodSimple Pleasures…

A swallow of cool water, a greasy hamburger, a steaming cup of Dirty Chai T.

It’s been an interesting couple of weeks. Ever since my surgery to remove my kidney stone, I knew something wasn’t right.
Increasing pain and continual sores in my mouth- barely able to swallow, shedding weight like I was an Olympic wrestler trying to drop a weight class- 30 pounds! Finally, around the first week in August it came to a head with pain that was almost intolerable.
My tonsil had become an oozing sore and my uvula was a massive lesion. The working hypothesis at the time was that I was struggling with a form of throat cancer. They have removed the tonsil, done biopsies and thank the Lord erased that possibility.

Finally, a team of infectious disease specialists are working on a diagnosis of a rare auto immune disease called: Behcet’s Desease. I have read about it extensively on the Mayo Clinic’s website and it seems to fit this to a T- it even gives explanation to earlier less severe bout’s I have had in past years.
Thank the Lord, it is treatable and with some drug therapy should go into remission and be managed. I am hopeful to be back into the pulpit next week.

Through it all I am learning to be content in whatever state I am. Unlike Paul, I haven’t yet learned it- but I hope I am progressing in Christ Likeness and trust.
I would ask that you seek the Lord for me, not so much for healing- as for grace. That I would embrace His plan and grow more like Him in it. I am reminded often that His grace IS sufficient! His POWER is made perfect in our weakness and when we are weak HE IS STRONG.
Let this be all our prayers.
Because of Grace,

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