Hungry for God

Since finishing our study in II Corinthians we are going to take a few weeks and do some individual studies in the Word on some various subjects.
Later this summer Lord willing we will return to a study on the character of God that we had begun when I first took ill.

Today we are studying Matthew 5:6 on hungering after righteousness. If you would like to do some individual study on this subject I would highly recommend a book by John Piper, Desiring God. In 1999 I was preaching a series of messages at a camp.After the week was over, one of the staff members that I had developed a deep spiritual friendship that week gave me a book- Desiring God. I hadn’t read it before and dove right in. It was trans-formative for me. It has been a book that I return to often to whet my appetite for the things of God.

I’m sure it’s on kindle or you can find it on-line. Dig deep!
Because of grace,

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