Dealing with our Doubts
Philip found Nathaniel and said to him: “We have found Him of whom Moses and the Prophets, wrote- Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” And Nathaniel said unto him: “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him: “Come and see!”
Jesus saw Nathaniel coming unto Him and said, “Behold an Israelite in whom is no deceit.” Nathaniel said to him, “How do you know me?” Jesus answered and said to him: “Before Philip called you, while you were under the fig tree I saw you.” Nathaniel answered: “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel.” John 1:45-49
Augustine wrote centuries ago: “It is often the case that a man who had experience of a bad doctor is afraid to trust himself even to a good one.” How true it is that experiences in life can sour our spirit and cause us to be gun shy.
I read this week about a young woman who attended a Baptist Church during the sixties. One Sunday she saw a colored woman come into the church and she heard the Pastor go over to her and tell her that a church for her was down the street. After that, the young woman I read about never darkened the door of a church again in her life and died as an infidel. It is sad but true that sometimes the experiences of life can cloud the very glory of the Eternal God.
Through the centuries many sincere believers have confronted doubts about both the goodness of God and His ability to save. Even as the text in John 1 concerning Nathaniel, who allowed current opinion to close his mind to the possibility that Jesus was who he claimed to be. Thankfully Nathaniel didn’t let his doubts deter him from the step of faith that heeded Philip’s invitation to “Come and See.” Are you struggling with doubts? Come and See One who is infinitely kind and is a better Doctor than any on earth.
“Whoso draweth nigh to God one step through doubtings dim, God will advance a mile in blazing light to Him!” (anonymous)
Because of grace,