A Pastor’s Heart
“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed in all the world.”
Romans 1:8
In the Lord, I could not be prouder of a church than I am of EBC. I know I’m a little bit partial, but seriously I thank my God through Jesus Christ for each of you and all of you. You all are my joy and crown!
To be sure we have our problems, sins and failings. There are things we need and can do better. There are areas of growth we need to be stretched into. But your faith is evident and you have been the source of blessing and much good to many people- not only in Star Valley but all over Wyoming, the U.S. and even the world. For the obscure place in which we are planted we have had tremendous fruit for the kingdom.
I don’t say this to blow up your pride and cater to your flesh- I say this to encourage you. Sometimes in the midst of pressing duties and responsibilities we lose track of the big picture. We get discouraged and wonder if the sacrifices we make are worth it. We get weary in doing good. But do not faint, for we shall reap.
Your love for each other is evident. O yeah, we sometimes have our family squabbles and tiffs, but by God’s grace not only have these been rare but they have also been a source of growth for all of us. As a pastor I have grown much through the years- learning what is truly important- what are hills to die on and what aren’t.
You’ve been gracious with me through much. For these things I am truly thankful to my God through Jesus Christ for all of you. I pray you will indulge more grace my direction in the years that lie ahead- and I in turn to you.
Because of grace,
Listen to the related message below.
Thank you Pastor Tim for your kind words and your strong encouragement. In the years I have been associated with EBC I have gained great knowledge and my respect for the Church and for Christ has grown tremendously. You and the Church have been a great inspiration and speak to the truth in a way that truly moves me to grow in Christ every day. Loretta and I still maintain our second home there in the Valley and consider EBC as our home Church while in WY. Although we have moved on to other missionary work and been called to volunteer work in Costa Rica, we still come back and hold EBC in great fond regard. I continue to be moved by the “Pod Casts” and appreciate all you do. We will continue to pray for you Pastor Tim, Pastor Matt and the Church as we continue to grow and mature in Christ Jesus. Thank you again Pastor Tim for all you do. You are a great inspiration and may you be overshadowed with grace. As you always say, “Because of Grace” and many blessings,
W. Herb Hawkins