


Archive for March, 2021

One Thing is Needful

Easter BreakfastOne Thing is Needful

Do you remember Jesus’ interaction with Mary and Martha?

Martha was upset at her sister because she wasn’t being helpful with all the preparations for a meal. Rather than agreeing with her diatribe of hurt feelings; Jesus simply said: One thing is needful, Mary has chosen the better thing, leave her alone.

So in order to make sitting at Jesus’ feet a bit easier this year at Easter we are going to keep it simple. View full article »

Zoom to the Rescue

To the Rescue?

In her seminal work, How the West Really lost God, Mary Eberstadt wrestles with the reasons for “trickle down secularism” that have eroded western civilization. She makes some interesting assertions in the book.
In one chapter she wrestles with Fredrick Nietzsche’s postulates about the death of God.

As she does so she develops one of the most important theses of the book: The privatization of religion always leads to its erosion.
Religion in and of itself demands community. The more individualistic we become, the less Christian we conversely are. View full article »

Chief Sinner

A Sinner

Most of us have heard the story of John Newton who wrote Amazing grace. Once an infamous slave trader and profligate, he was converted and became a beloved Pastor.
In 1791 he received a letter from a couple who were anxious about their souls. They inquired of him the means to knowing that one’s sins were forgiven and that they were saved. After some time listening to him preach, receiving personal letters from him and having personal conversation; they both received a full assurance of salvation. Later, James Coffin entered the ministry and continued in a deep relationship with Newton. View full article »