Culture shiftCulture Shift

In our lifetime there have been great social changes that have permeated the fabric of our lives. Secular education, mainstream media, and governmental institutions have all given rise to the prevalence of “values” that run counter to Biblical teaching. Moreover, the acquiescence of the church to the general depravity of our day has left a vacuum in which these false teachings can thrive.

Recent surveys show a great shift in the way people think. Today, the vast number of Americans believe it is ok for people to live together before marriage, for single women to have babies, Same sex couples to wed and adopt children and for teenagers to engage in sexual activity. Fewer than 10% of Americans believe it is important to have children!

Interestingly, the one area of social change that more people are beginning to reject is divorce. A decade ago roughly 50% of Americans believed it was best to seek a divorce if their marriage was on the rocks. Today that number has decreased by 10 percentage points. I was left wondering why? Maybe the pain of divorce experienced by so many children over the last few decades has created a backlash. Perhaps this bodes well for the church in relationship to other social issues. As the bankruptcy of the world’s system becomes increasingly apparent, it is imperative for the church to step into the gap and show the world where True Life can be found- only in Jesus Christ and His never changing Word!
Because of Grace,

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