The Praying Church
The early church remained constant in prayer. These prayers were for many things: relief from persecution, boldness to testify, power from on high, the conversion of the lost and the return of the Lord. No doubt, some of these prayers were for their homeland- Israel. The early church saw God move in power because it was a praying church. God is a God who loves to answer prayer.
“And they continued steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine, and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” ~ Acts 2:42
This Thursday, May 3 is the 67th annual national day of Prayer. Our nation has a long history of setting aside days for national repentance and supplication. Going all the way back to the desperate days of the War for Independence, the Continental congress would call the colonies to prayer.
We have much to pray for. The storm clouds are brewing on the horizon of our nation. Not only are there many foreign enemies that would love to destroy us, but there are national movements that are rotting away our souls. Just this week I read and listened to things that are alarming that are coming against the church like a steam roller. Just consider:
This week the California house passed a bill making it against the law to seek to dissuade someone from homosexual behavior and do ‘reparative therapy’. This bill arguably makes all Biblical preaching against this sin a crime and even outlaws Bible’s and book’s with Biblical teaching on this subject. Also, Mike Pompeo, a Trump appointee for Secretary of State and a bold evangelical believer was attacked viciously for his position on homosexuality.
In addition, a Southern Baptist Chaplain was removed from his position because he would not lead a same-sex marriage retreat. Also, the military has indicated that they are going to look at rescinding southern Baptist credentials as a denomination for candidates for the chaplaincy as a result.
These are perilous days- we need to pray that the Lord sends a Spirit of renewal in our land before His long-suffering mercy runs out.
Because of grace,