God's CovenantsGod, The Covenant Maker

This verse is part of what we call the Abrahamic covenant. God made various covenants with men at various times. God made a Covenant of works and then grace with Adam and Eve in the garden. When Noah came off the ark God made a covenant with him and then confirmed it by setting a rainbow in the clouds. God made a Covenant with Moses and all Israel on Mt. Sinai. God made Covenant with David concerning the Messianic kingly line. Finally, God made a “New” covenant with all who believe through His Son Jesus Christ and confirmed it in His blood.

To understand God’s dealings with men it is vital that we understand covenant. Covenant is a promise enacted by solemn oath confirmed with sign’s and seals. Think for instance of the Marriage Covenant. It is a promise- “till death us do part”; enacted by solemn oath- thus the taking of a vow; signified in the marriage ring and sealed with the marriage bed. Thus marriage is a Covenantal relationship and transcends all other human relationships.

As we consider God’s Covenant with man this morning we will consider it in light of God’s promise to bless him. What does it mean to be blessed? What does this blessing look like? Why are some blessed and others cursed?

Abraham is the father of those of faith. The Covenant promise of God is claimed by faith. So let us be blessed with believing Abraham.

“And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.”
Genesis 12:3

Because of grace,

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