


Tag Archive: harvest

Our Blessed Hope

Our HopeOur Hope

“…waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of glory of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ.”
Titus 2:13
Our study in Romans 11 takes us out into the future. Events that are yet to come, but nevertheless foreknown by our Sovereign Father.

In Acts 1 the apostles asked Jesus a question: “Will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” Obviously, this indicates an expectation on their part that Jesus was going to restore the Davidic throne and kingdom as had often been foretold in the Old Testament prophets. View full article »

Consider the Ant

FinancesConsider the Ant You Slacker

Go to the ant, you slacker! Observe its ways and become wise.
Without leader, administrator, or ruler, it prepares its provisions in summer; it gathers its food during harvest.
~Proverbs 6:6-8

To anyone with half a brain it is becoming fairly obvious we are moving into some tough economic times. The buying power of our dollars is slipping and inflationary trends are fast outpacing earnings. View full article »