PeacePeace with God

“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Romans 5:1

I don’t know about you but I’ve been enjoying the smoke lately. California sure exports all its finest products! Wildfires in the west, hurricanes in the east. COVID all over the place. Back to school worries. To mask or not to mask. BLM anarchy. Election jitter’s. Everyone’s nervous. Anxiety and depression everywhere. Is there any peace?

Today we begin to study the resultant state of our justification: Peace. This peace isn’t just any peace- it is peace with God. This peace results from the work of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This is why at the announcement of His birth to shepherds outside of Bethlehem the angel proclaimed: “Peace on earth.”

Jesus is the source of our peace. This peace affects our internal state enabling us to deal with anxiety, worry and guilt. This peace also affects our relationships helping us be harmonious and willing to reconcile. Since we are forgiven- we are people who in turn forgive.
Are you at peace with God? You will never rest in peace if you don’t first experience His peace ruling in your heart. How? By faith! Give up your striving and simply rest- rest in what Christ has done and what the Holy Spirit is doing. Rest in the lap of our ABBA. Peace is yours- rest

Because of grace,

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