For the Good

Probably no verse in Scripture reminds us more of God’s Sovereignty than Romans 8:28- “and we know that God is at work in all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” (translation mine).

In this verse we have a poignant reminder that God is actively working for our good and His glory. We are reminded in this verse that being a believer is well summed up in the phrase- “those who love Him.”
The unbeliever is at enmity with God (verse 7). However, those who know God, love God.
The Greek word for ‘at work’ is also an interesting word- it is synerge- from which we get English words like synergism. It literally means ‘to work together’ or to ‘mix together’.

The picture is of a workman taking separate ingredients and thoroughly mixing or ‘working them together’ to make something new. Similar to taking ingredients and working them together to make a cake.
You all know, some ingredients by themselves are bitter or sour, some are sweet- but when thoroughly mixed they take on a good flavor. So too life- some of the individual ingredients or circumstances that make up our life are bitter or sour, but when mixed with God’s purpose they eventually turn to our good and His glory.

Ask Joseph from Genesis- he knew this well. His brothers intended evil against him but God intended to use it for good- to bring about salvation or deliverance to many. As we go through life, trust God’s sovereign plan and trust the goodness of His heart.
Even when things appear to be bad, God is turning it for your good- Bless Him!

Because of grace,

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