
Tower of Babel connections?

In Genesis 6:5 we read that because every intention of the thought of man’s heart was only evil continually, God brought judgment on the earth with water.

Could one of the factors attributing to wickedness advancing over the population of the pre-flood world so rapidly in a few generations be do to the fact that they all spoke the same language?

We know it didn’t take long after that judgment for the descendants of Noah’s family to get together and begin erecting a tower (Babel) in defiance of God.

By chapter eleven of Genesis God proclaims that due to the people being of one language and united on the earth, that this rebellion would only be the beginning and that nothing they proposed to do would be impossible for them.

God intervened by dividing us up into people groups separated by language where we could still rebel in action and deed against Him, but he would only have to bring judgment upon cities like Sodom and Gomorrah or on separate nations when their wickedness grew too great instead of upon the entire world again before His plan was finished.

Evil Continually

Particular sins and increasing wickedness have arguably, been “managed” within language initiated borders by God’s judgments upon nations or locations since the tower of Babel, so what will change as the fullness of time arrives and Christ prepares to come back on the world scene?

Could it be that no evil we propose to do will any longer be held from us because we will again be united as one people with one language?

Technology has removed our language barriers. With a common computer or phone language conversion app I can converse directly with anyone who has the same capability or I can simply be online and the internet browser will perform this task automatically for me.

If this present reality factors into God’s planed timetable to bring judgment upon the world for the second and final time, should we expect to also see the evil of sin and wickedness no longer being contained by national borders?

Today we are witness to the sins of Sodom being promoted and celebrated World Wide. The once great and God fearing nation of America is an abortion promoter and wholesaler to the world!

If God brings righteous judgment on individual peoples and nations when their wickedness knows no bounds, what will His judgment look like for a world with no boundaries?

“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draws near.” ~ Luke 21:28

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