
I know you’ve all been missing each other and the sweet fellowship we have in Christ. I was thinking of the old song: “Blessed be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love.” I don’t think we realize how blessed that tie is until there is strain on the edges of our life. We pray you’re enduring this time of isolation by drawing closer to your family and having sweet times of fun as well as times of Christian growth.

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. It is a reminder to us of how fickle we are as people. One week the crowds are worshiping- the next week they are crying for His blood. When everything was unfolding the way they had planned (a King to cast off Rome) the crowds were all in. When He turned out to be a different kind of king, they abandoned him quicker than you can blink. This same heart is in all of us. We praise Him when it is convenient and when things are rolling along as we expect. When the rug gets pulled out from under us, Am I as quick to say “blessed be the name of the Lord?” Let’s see this test for what it is- a time of refining.

Along that line, we will livestream the service again this Sunday at 10:30. We are not completely sure what our schedule will look like on Easter weekend. I’ll tell you some things we know for sure. First, there will be no breakfast. Second, remember- Easter is not really the Sunday that our Lord arose. In fact, if you notice the calendar- it’s not even the same weekend as Passover most years. It was a weekend established in the western church centuries ago using a formula based on the moon that would make it a standardized observance in the church. It was a good idea- but it isn’t inspired!

With that in mind- I want you to know that when this is all over we are going to schedule our own Resurrection Sunday weekend- and it’s gonna be a party! We’ll kill the fatted calf (metaphorically), worship and praise our Risen Lord and have a rip roaring good time! So, hold your horses- good things are yet to come.

Have a blessed remainder to your week. Stay in touch with each other and “encourage one another daily, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching!” We love you all.

Because of grace,

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