


Archive for October, 2020



The dictionary defines temptation as: “To try to make a person do something wrong by the offer of some pleasure or reward.” Let’s analyze the definition for just a moment.
Every temptation involves a provocation to do something we know is wrong. Why would we want to do something wrong? Because the tempter always lies to us!

The carrot that he uses is some pleasure or reward. However, if you read Genesis 3, which details the first temptation of mankind, you will find that the carrot quickly evaporates when we yield. View full article »

Victory Over Sin

Victory Over Sin

The truth we have before us is not negotiable and nonessential- it is the clear purpose for which Christ died- to make us righteous, not only by declaration (justification) but also in reality (sanctification).
It is not like justification is the basic Amazon package and sanctification is Amazon prime- both will do but one’s just a little bit more expensive and only for the select few. No, this truth is for all God’s children! View full article »