


Archive for July, 2018

For the Good

Probably no verse in Scripture reminds us more of God’s Sovereignty than Romans 8:28- “and we know that God is at work in all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” (translation mine).

In this verse we have a poignant reminder that God is actively working for our good and His glory. We are reminded in this verse that being a believer is View full article »

Punishing Dissent


On Monday June 18, The Town council of Jackson passed on its first reading a city Ordinance criminalizing discrimination against individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
The ordinance provides for fines up to $750 per day for violations. No doubt, the stated intention of this ordinance is to create a more tolerant society and promote harmony in the community. Scratch a little deeper and its unintended consequences are more than troubling. View full article »