EBC Ministry Manual
If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability that God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and dominion forever and ever, Amen.
~ 1 Peter 4:11
~ 1 Peter 4:11
A Concise Doctrinal Statement
We believe and teach...
- Justification by grace through faith in Christ alone.
- The verbal-plenary inspiration and inerrancy of the 66 books of the Bible as written in the original manuscripts.
- The Trinity - there is One God who eternally exists as three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- The Deity and Virgin birth of Jesus.
- The direct creation of Man as male and female and his subsequent fall into sin.
- The substitutionary atonement by Jesus Christ in His death on the cross.
- The bodily resurrection and ascension of Jesus.
- The personal and imminent return of Christ.
- The resurrection and final assignment of all men to eternal blessedness or woe.
Emmanuel Bible Church is a Nondenominational Church that teaches and practices according to these guidelines:
- We use Scriptures that are translated into contemporary English, but only ones that reflect a word for word philosophy of translation. Currently, public teaching of God’s Word is being done by the NKJV, the NASB, ESV or KJV. For standardization of memory work in Children’s ministries our curriculum’s use the NKJV translation.
- We use expositional methods in the teaching of God’s Word. Our method of Biblical interpretation is literal, historical, and grammatical in exegesis.
- We are dispensational rather than covenant in theology.
- We interpret the creation and flood account of Genesis literally believing them to be integrally related to the gospel.
- We are pre-millennial and pre-tribulational.
- We are a congregational church and have two Scriptural offices: Pastor and Deacon.
- Our mode of Baptism is immersion as a testimony of faith.
- We believe the Bible teaches that men are to serve the body as leaders in the preaching/teaching of God’s Word and in the positions of Pastor/Deacon.
- We do not practice “Charismatic gifts” in our ministries.
- We believe in both the sovereignty of God and the free will of man.
- We believe that marriage is an institution of God and is a covenant relationship between one man and one woman for life.
- We are not ecumenical in our approach to evangelism or missions however, we do cooperate with other Biblical ministries in fulfilling the great commission. We place emphasis on foreign missions that are involved in the planting of local churches to be led by national Pastor’s. Our Pastor’s and Deacons consider and recommend those ministries that we align ourselves with.
- We believe Christians should not sue one another in civil courts but should resolve conflict according to Biblical protocols.
- Our worship service is: Christ centered not man centered. Multi generational not age segregated. Blended but conservative in style. Scheduled the first day of the week or the Lord’s Day.
Our goal is to produce Disciples that are consecrated to the Lordship of Jesus Christ over all of life, that are committed to sound doctrine, that are compassionate in their dealings and that are counter-cultural in their stand.
General Guidelines:
1. As a servant of the Lord at Emmanuel Bible Church I will:2. Appearance and Dress:
- Endeavor to have daily communion with the Lord through Bible study and prayer.
- Seek to uphold the priorities and goals of this church.
- Be in attendance at worship services and integrally involved in the life of this church by participating in its ministries as I am able.
- Be yielded to, and filled by the Holy Spirit so that my daily living and conduct shall be an example to others (Ephesians 5:18).
I understand that Christian growth is a continuing process of being conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29).
Realizing that a position of servant leadership in our local church brings with it the responsibility of an exemplary lifestyle I will seek to live a holy life and not put a stumbling block before other in choices I make. (i.e. profane language, illicit drugs, alcohol, the patronizing of bars, tobacco and the wise and judicious viewing of TV, movies, entertainment, media and technology.
Moreover, I will refrain from any immoral or sexual relationships outside the parameters of Biblical marriage.
Because you are representing the Lord on the platform or in the classroom, please be careful that your dress and deportment is such that it honors the Lord.
The Scripture teaches that we are to be modest and appropriate in our appearance, that we are not to cause our brother to stumble nor are we to embrace the latest fads of our worldly culture.
Therefore, do not wear clothing that is immodest, suggestive or worldly. When on the platform for corporate worship please do not be excessive in your accessories and jewelry.
Men, please no t-shirts nor sloppy trousers or visible jewelry.
Moreover, we believe the genders should be distinguishable by the relative length and style of the hair (I Timothy 2:8-10, I Peter 3:4, I Corinthians 11:2-16).
3. Music in corporate worship or support ministries:
We have sought to utilize a cross-generational approach to music in our ministries. We position ourselves as conservative in style as we utilize the best music of yesterday and today.
When choosing music, please make sure the lyrics of the songs are distinctively Biblical and reflect the doctrine of this church. Since the Lord has gifted us with many talented musicians, we ask that you make use of them rather than using taped accompaniments for your singing.
The reason for this is two-fold. First, it allows us to develop the gifts of musicians within our fellowship.
Secondly, it alleviates the issues that may arise about the appropriateness of some types of music in our ministries.
Please clear any deviation from this policy with our Pastors and Deacons. Moreover, please refrain from the use of choreographed dance in youth ministries or corporate settings.
4. Technologies and Children:
We are requesting that I-pods and other communication or entertainment devices not be carried by our children into our ministries. When children bring cell phones, please instruct them that they are not to be in use and to please put them away.
We thank the Lord for your desire to serve Him here at EBC and we pray that your ministry will be fruitful for eternity. Our goal is to be unified in mind and purpose and to clearly communicate our expectations to you as you serve here in this church. Please feel free to speak to our Pastors that they may clarify and help you with questions that may arise in your mind.
Philippians 2:1-5
“Therefore, if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind, let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus…”
A complete copy of the Doctrinal Statement in PDF format can be downloaded here.