
The Church / The Culture and Us




It is our desire at EBC to promote community in the life of our members. In a community, people can come together to deepen their relationship with God and with one another.

If you’ve ever listened to a sermon and thought, "But what about...?" or "I don’t understand," then you might find a smaller community group very helpful. In a community setting, you can ask questions, participate in a discussion of the Bible, and hear others share insights of the truth you are trying to grasp.

Most people who have been a part of our bible studies, small groups or other community groups say the greatest benefit is the close friendships that develop. In a community you’ll discover that your needs and problems are not unique.

The New Testament phrase "one another" is used more then fifty times to describe our relationship to other believers. We are commanded to Love one another, Accept one another, Encourage one another, Pray for one another and Serve one another.

A smaller community group is a practical way to obey these commands while we grow in our knowledge of God and the Bible, experience God’s compassion and grace, celebrate life with (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.), gain support for ourselves and our families when in crisis and learn to obey and practice the “one another” commands of the Bible.

EBC sponsors a variety of groups including Marriage, Financial Peace University, Men’s and Women’s Groups, Christian Basics and many more.

We hope you will take advantage of “Community” living at Emmanuel Bible Church by joining groups that hold interests for you and where you are in life.
To find a group that meets your needs, make sure to visit with a pastor or other members who would be happy to provide information.

Community Connection is a chance for you to meet community leaders and hear more about their groups. Community Connection dates and times will be made available as this ministry develops.